Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office Statement on No. 3 of 2025 Court Administrative Order

Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office Statement on No. 3 of 2025 Court Administrative Order

Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office Statement on No. 3 of 2025 Court Administrative Order

“Our office is committed to addressing the security concerns outlined in the initial Administrative Court Order issued on December 9, 2024. Since then, we have complied with the plan to the best of our ability and engaged in numerous discussions with Judicial Leadership, resulting in improvements across multiple departments.

The Administrative Court Order issued March 11, 2025, requests that we provide a recruitment plan to hire additional deputies, which is an initiative the Sheriff has been and continuously working on since the inception of her administration.

Unlike other law enforcement agencies that benefit from nearby training facilities, our recruits must currently travel and remain (five days a week) on campus at State College, Pennsylvania for 19 weeks of training—an obstacle that many local families simply cannot accommodate. Thus, making our recruitment efforts more difficult. A local academy would significantly enhance our hiring capabilities and allow us to fill these critical positions more efficiently.

Additionally, we have continuously advocated for a line item in our budget for recruitment. We do not currently have one. We remain committed to improving courtroom security and streamlining operations, and we will present a comprehensive plan of action to the Administrative Governing Board for review within 30 days as required.”

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